He sort of resembles a blurry space alien in this photo.

He's a 6 week old Boxer puppy, weighs about 5 lbs., who came in for his puppy vaccinations today. He's a little wormey so he should start look a little better after a few days.
In other news, I am uploading new gift item designs to various sites over the next few days, and to my own shopping cart site. I started it last year, ?!?, but never got around to finishing it. It will allow me to send out coupon codes, gift certificates- the whole 9 yards. :)
So stay tuned for that.
I will be exhibiting at downtown Atlanta at ICE- Atlanta Holiday Market. November 21st. If you are in the area, stop by and say hello.
Stay away from apples with razor blades in them if you happen to be out trick or treating. . . .