

Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! May the merry bells keep ringing. . . .

Hello everyone.

It's cold and rainy here today. A good "build a fire and drink hot chocolate" day. Or bourbon. Totally your choice.

Got up your Christmas decorations? I put up a wreath in the waiting room and that is about as far as I have gotten. The waiting room is sort of small, so it's hard to fit in a tree. Cats get in it, kids get in it, dogs try to water- you know how it goes. So I try to put up a nice wreath so that it at least smells like Christmas.

My cousin in California has made some glass tile pendants and magnets with my artwork . They are brand new today and are listed in her Etsy shop. My proceeds are donated to the Art Helping Animals charities. So if you still shopping for small gift items, click on the photo below or this link-

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